The Bare Facts

Welcome to Screen Colons Canada

Our goal is that every Canadian, eligible by virtue of age or risk, is screened for colorectal cancer.

People tell us it can be embarrassing to ask their doctor about their colon, their rectum, their bowels. Don’t die of embarrassment.

  • Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest form of cancer in Canada, second only to lung cancer.
  • 1 in 14 Canadians will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime.
  • It hits men and women almost equally.
  • It’s more common among those over 50 but increasingly it’s being diagnosed in younger people.

Now the good news:

Colon cancer is up to 90 per cent curable when caught early through screening.

You get a mammogram to screen for breast cancer. You get a Pap smear to test for cervical cancer. You get a PSA done to check for prostate cancer. You watch your cholesterol and blood pressure for the health of your heart. Doesn’t your colon deserve the same attention? Put your bottom at the top of your priority list.

Please understand: Colon cancer does not always have symptoms.
It begins with a malignant tumour that first appears in your colon or rectum.
You might not know it’s there – because it starts as a small polyp, hidden away in that long dark tunnel. Many of us develop polyps as we age. Fortunately, they usually take years to become malignant. The trick is to find them before they become a problem.

We want to make sure you – and those you love – get screened for colon cancer at the right time, with the right test.

Do we have you sitting up and taking notice? Good. Read on!

Who is behind SCC